Friday, February 22, 2013

A fast week

The week zipped by especially fast this week, with me being away in Vancouver for a couple of days. It feels like so long ago now that I was there. Here is a photo I took of my hotel room at the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver. I love the timeless beauty of this hotel. This was the first time I had stayed there, but hopefully not the last. There are a few majestic railway hotels that were built across the country be the Canadian Pacific, and this hotel was one of them. CP hotels really have unique features.

Anyways, back to reality. Fynn had a student-led conference today. I like how the schools do the new version of the parent-teacher interview. Basically the student-led conference at Fynn's school for Kindergarten involves Fynn showing us around a variety of stations in his classroom where he has displayed his work. We went to stations about printing, numbers, art, social studies and reading. We were there about 25 minutes and it was enough time to get a pretty good idea of the content of the work he is doing. I would have liked to have a bit more time one-on-one with his teacher, but we can arrange that for another time. Overall, a good experience and so neat to have Fynn taking the lead.

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