Sunday, July 17, 2016

Summer musings

It seems hard to believe that it is the middle of July.  The kids are well into summer routines and I'm enjoying not have to get them ready for school or the homework fight.  They are still doing their Kumon math once a day (most days) which can be a struggle, but in the grand scheme of pushing them a bit, it isn't too bad.

Fynn had a full week of camp last week, attending the Epic Sports Academy.  He loves most kinds of sports (apparently with the exception of karate) so he had a great time attending with our neighbour's son, Dillon.  Sophie is off to Royal Winnipeg dance intensive in August, so still a couple more weeks of her being at home.  They do have a science day camp the week after this coming week that will keep them busy.

As for me, I've been continuing with my CrossFit Lite classes and I am proud of my progress....basically sticking with it since January is my greatest accomplishment and I'm starting to see some nice shoulder definition.  The effort was worthy of a new pair of Lululemon shorts I got when we were in Vancouver a week or so ago. Here's a photo of their beautiful art gallery.  We took in the Picasso and his women/muse show.  Excellent and only in Vancouver!

That's it for now!


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