Monday, March 12, 2012


Sunday morning Vic felt terrible. He was fatiqued, coughing and had no appetite. The ER wait was too long, so we all drove to Vernon to the walk in clinic. The doctor prescribed an antibiotic for him because there was a chance of a secondary infection in his lungs. We went home and he got worse. I texted my doctor and she recommended he get to the hospital. Vic was admitted last night with pneumonia. Frankly, I was relieved that they admitted him, as he was not getting better here and I could no longer look after him, Sophie with her strep throat, Fynn (just generally) and myself. I have been ill one day longer than Vic, and while I did not progress as badly as he did, I still felt miserable. I visited him today and he is on IV gravol and IV liquids. He had a bit of lunch and his face seems to have a bit more colour and he said he has not been coughing as much. He will stay there tonight as well. I took his book, slippers, shaving stuff, etc. When I woke up this morning I knew I couldn't go to work, nor could I look after the kids. The more running around after them I do, the more I cough. Patti came over this morning and took them to daycare, which was a blessing. Bryan was kind enough to move his truck off the street and into the visitors lot at the hospital so he doesn't get towed. I have taken care of all of the garbage and readied if for pick up tomorrow. Washed towels and done dishes -- trying to get rid of the visual effects of having so much sickness in the house for a week. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. I have a chest xray in the afternoon to rule out "walking pneumonia" and will gingerly proceeding with my day. I don't look as bad as Vic and don't have all of his symptoms, but I have a rattley chest/lungs.

1 comment:

Katy said...

I hope you are healthy soon! Prayers and hugs..