Tuesday, June 15, 2010

field trip

Today was field trip day to the Okanagan Science Centre. 42 kindergarten kiddos and a gathering of adults made their way on a big yellow bus (and a few cars) down to Vernon. We had a blast (in spite of not being able to go to the water park due to the rain). Instead we played at Polson Park.

The coolest parts of the day:
1. Getting to see Sophie having fun with the other kids in her class.
2. Eating lunch from a kids' lunch kit (just like all the other parents).
3. It was also good for me to simply be around the other kids in the classroom. Confirmation that Sophie is developing very normally.
4. Watching what happens when you mix vinegar and baking soda - blast off!
5. Making friends with the kids in my group. I think some of the little girls are really starting to get used to me. I get called "Sheri" and "Sophie's mom" a lot.
6. Getting to chat with Doris on the ride to and from Vernon.

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Sounds like a great day for both you and Sophie. It's great to let go and just be a kid sometimes.