Thursday, October 02, 2008

Time crunchies

I am really enjoying being back at work.
But it is HARD work having a full-time job and being a mom of these two little ones.

Vic and I have worked out an arrangement where I get them ready in the morning and take them to daycare. I'm an army sargeant in the morning, and I like to be responsible for getting to work on time (so we leave dad to his own devices).
In turn, he picks them up, so I can have a bit of gym time Mon-Wed.

I have gotten our morning routines down to a pretty good science. Some tips:

- put out all clothes the night before
- prepare their lunches and put in lunch bags the night before
- have any daycare paperwork ready the night before (cheques, fundraising, etc)
- know exactly what I'm going to wear -- including underwear.
- don't even think about getting into the line up at Tim Hortons for a coffee -- that will make you late everytime. My trick is to get to work, drink the office brew and then sneak over to Tim's at about 10am when the crowds have thinned.

Adding to all of this, is that I'm still nursing Fynn. So at about noon everyday I pop over to the daycare and feed him. Then I drive back to the office and grab a sandwich. Our hotel fridge is too small for me to even think about keeping my lunch in there with the kids.

Tonight we had the added challenge of needing to do some laundry. We all went over to the new house, used our washing machine and then realized that the dryer wasn't hooked up yet. So, back we went to the hotel to dry the clothes. Grrr!!!!

I'm also getting a jump on some work for tomorrow -- tomorrow has enough stuff to get done, so if I can get a jump on it now, I will.

Off to bed....


Jenny L. said...

Well you have certainly been busy! Glad to see that Fynn is doing well. Eye infections are no fun. We went through a year and a half of them with Charlie when he was born. He had a closed tear duct.

Hotel living has got to be getting old. You'll be in soon and this will all be a memory. :)

Joanne said...

Soon you will never want to see the inside of a hotel room for a long time! Thank goodness for the new house and all your exciting new adventures you will have there.