Monday, January 11, 2016

Further refining of 2016 Priority Goals

I've been thinking about my goals or intentions for 2016.

So far, this is what I have come to (words in red are what I have identified this past week).  I still don't have SMART goals for them, but getting closer.

 Things that make me happy:

- learning new things (Learning to play the piano.  I have asked the kids' teacher and she is going to take me on!)
- taking photos of our life (Working on what this might look like.  I think I would like to take photos of birds in 2016 -- in addition to the usual subjects I photograph)
- telling our stories (blogging, etc)
- keeping fit (I don't know exactly what this will be, however, I have told Vic I want to do another 10 km in the fall.  I have also started to intentionally increase my weights in 2/4 weekly fitness classes).
- seeing new places
- seeing the kids achieve more than they could have imagined (this is ongoing.  Sophie has her Grade 1 Piano exam next week. The goal: to complete and pass the exam in January 2016.  So far that is the only goal set).
- reading
Stay tuned.

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