Sunday, October 23, 2011

Baking Brownies

Sophie and Fynn love to bake. With me at work each day during the week, it is hard to get in any baking time, but the weekends are good for this activity since we have the extra time without the pressures of the daily schedule. They learn about measuring, counting, telling time, science and having a bit of patience since baking isn't instant gratification.

I pulled up a picture of the last time we made brownies (2009!) and I used a mix. They are so easy it really is a shame to use a mix. Today we made them from scratch using the 101 Brownie Recipes book that my sister-in-law Joanne got me several years ago. It is a great book and we always go back to the basic brownies recipe since they turn out perfectly each time.


Joanne said...

So glad you all enjoy that book. Jackson & I love to bake on the weekends too! Today we made some quick & easy autumn apple oatmeal cookies. Just perfect for a crisp fall day.

Mary Jo said...

I love photos where you can compare :)
And I can't remember the last time I made brownies with the kids but I know we definitely used a mix.
I think we should try from scratch though!