Thursday, September 09, 2010

today you...

(post for Tuesday, September 7)

Today you started first grade.

You were up at 7:00am and had Cheerios. It's your breakfast of choice lately.

You chose to wear your new dress from Children's Place and your grey leggings. I love this dress. You picked it yourself and I must say, you have great taste. The shoes were from Payless. They gave you blisters.

You didn’t seem nervous, but you said you weren't too happy in the morning (I can tell because you didn't want to smile).

You got a desk this year and you have two teachers: Madame Shannon is filling in for Madame Steeves until she is back to school next month after her injury. I picked you up at 11:15am and took you back to daycare. Tomorrow you'll take the bus. Some of your little buddies are in your class: Hunter, Cami, Teslyn. You seem to have also found a new friend named Piper.

Tonight we talked about your day before you went to bed. I think you will like Grade 1. It will be a bit harder to get used to, since you go to school longer than you were used to with Kindergarten and the expectations have changed a bit, but you are more mature now and I know you will do just fine.

Love mom.

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