Tuesday, May 04, 2010

one tired mama

I'm going to Vancouver tomorrow for the HRMA conference and the pre-organization for a 2 day event is just crazy.

I was at work until after 5pm tonight sorting stuff out and making sure everything was okay with projects I had on the go.

Then I missed my workout, but I'm still hoping to get a walk in tonight.

I'm a full time butler to Sophie and Fynn....Sophie is supposed to go to ballet tomorrow but because Vic has a client appointment, we tried to arrange for our friend Patti to take her. She graciously offered but it seems Sophie didn't react well to a change in her routine, so rather than fighting it and having her create a fuss for Patti, we let her skip ballet. Only one more week of practice sessions and then her big year end program. The costumes she has for her two numbers are adorable! I'll be relieved to no longer have to worry about driving her to her lessons each week. Ah, a summer break. Of course, I've signed her up for a 1 week art camp in July, which she is thrilled about it, plus it is within a super short walk to her daycare, so it should make things easy. She gets to learn more about drawing and painting -- she does enjoy art, so nice to see.

Sophie also had swimming with her Kindergarten class today so that took so special prep as she needed to be wearing her suit under her clothes, bring her towel and have two carrying along snacks. On Thursday she has a field trip to the hospital. I tell you, that kid has quite the life.

Fynn has an upper respiratory infection so Vic took him to our GP today who prescribed an antibiotic and that seemed to kick it out of him quite quickly. Poor little guy.

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