Wednesday, February 20, 2008

wednesday afternoon = storytime

On Wednesdays, the public library has storytime with the children's librarian.

Aren't children's librarians the best? What a wonderful profession I think this would be.

Sophie didn't go to daycare today, and since we were all getting a little stir crazy, we needed an outing.

It takes us awhile to get ready.

1: since I only have 2 hands (who knew?) Fynn is placed on the floor while I get coats, books, purse ready to go. The big green bag is our library book bag.
2: Sophie takes that as the time to find herself a book to read (in spite of my "hurry ups")
3: children dressed and in Grandma's knitted sweaters.
4.the big push through the parking lot to the library courtesy of the Zellers shopping cart (yes, our library is in a shopping mall). Frankly, the whole concept of a wonderful library in a mall kills me.
5.Sophie in name tag for storytime with her musical instrument (music is part of storytime)
6. Ellen the librarian reading books.


Jenny L. said...

I would love to be a children's librarian. I laughed at your comment about having 2 hands, I am always telling the boys that. :)

Joanne said...

Can't wait for Jackson to be big enough to participate in our local storytime. That's quite a big bag for all your books, but I know how you all love to read!

Susie said...

We used to go to storytime, then Ashllgh turned two. And now Lauren is one. I think another year and half and we can go back. Our librarian isn't nearly as flexible with kids 'moving' as heshould be..

michelle_d said...

We love storytime at our library! Storytime Jane is fabulous! Ours is on Thursdays :)