Monday, February 25, 2008

4:15pm on Mondays....

we go to sophie's skating lessons.
we have two more weeks to go, and then our second sessions will be over.
i say "we" since it is a group effort (fynn, sophie, vic and I).
i think sophie has been about 20 times in total.
each session, starts with a "i don't like skating!" vic and i say, "we know," and on
we go to the lesson.

each week she gets better. she can sort of glide now.

when she can skate at 14, and isn't falling on her butt in front of her friends, she will thank me -- right?

(love the look on Fynn's face in this photo).

1 comment:

nadine jenine said...

i always had issues with my skating lessons as a kid too, but i really love the fact that i'm able to skate pretty well now!!