Monday, April 09, 2007

2 days shy of 11 weeks

almost can feel the cloud of the first trimester lifting (please).

i am more than convinced i will NOT do this pregnancy thing again.

yes, the end result is lovely, but i think some women have more fortitude than i for pregnancy. i am not one of them.

on another note (much more pleasant), here is sophie enjoying an Easter egg hunt at her grandparents':


Missy said...

aw- cute easter egg hunt! Keep smilin!

Mary Jo said...

Hey, Sheri!
Mary Jo from Suziebeezieland (one of the other expectant moms)
I've been thinking of you!
I know that first tri is hard to get through.
Been there so many times.
And I've said the same thing with this pregnancy. I think I'm done :0)
But so glad to have the experience again!!
Keeping you in my thoughts!

Lara Neves said...

Sheri! Congratulations on the pregnancy.

I know how hard it is. I want more kids but the thought of being pregnant again just makes me think I'm happy with three.

Sophie's Easter pictures are adorable...I hope you had a nice holiday.

sas said...

Goodness!! Congratulations!

I was reading your past entries and wondered if something was wrong, but this is very exciting news! I hope you feel better and things get a bit easier for you. I'm so happy for you!

nadine jenine said...

2 kids will be a very lovely amount. :)