Thursday, February 15, 2007

the office

no, not that office (although it is fun to watch once in awhile).

this is my office. where i hang my hat, do my work, etc...

it's cozy, cluttered (hopefully in a good way) and i feel good there. yes, lots of sophie and that is suzanne's blog (not that i would ever blog at work :)


michelle_d said...

Now I know where to imagine you during the day :) I love all the reminders of Sophie.

nadine jenine said...

i wish i had an office like that at my job in the summer!

Joanne said...

That looks like a great work environment with lots of inspiration of 'Sophiness' to keep you going throughout the day! I especially love the artwork.

sas said...

Sheri, this makes me feel so happy. I'm freaking out about going back to work after my mat leave, but when I see you surrounded by Sophie, I can imagine it's not so bad!