Saturday, January 20, 2007

six for Saturday

1.sophie and i had some fun on this website this morning. i do love Arthur.

2. she is now snuggled into a chair and watching this movie (again).
the pencil drawings are beautiful. i sometimes wish computer animation hadn't taken over kids movies.

3. we are going to Silver Star tonight. sophie gets her first ski lesson in the morning.

4. i got to work out this morning (fitness class)

5. i took sophie's crayons away for a bit. she needs to respect her crayons...rather than breaking the tips off of them.

6. i think i wear the same pair of brown cords every weekend.


Anonymous said...

Oh, you know I LOVE Arthur!

nadine jenine said...

i remember watching arthur when i was little!

the crayon comment makes me laugh! i still think crayons are sacred. nothing like opening up that brand new box!

Susie said...

i have a friend that loves loves her cords, In fact, I caught her wearing them like three times in a row (only because we had a conversation about how comfy they were!)