Sunday, December 03, 2006

a christmas tree

we went to a Christmas Tree Farm this afternoon to get our tree.
we usually go to a lot or a nursery, but this seemed to be a better idea (a fresher tree and we are supporting a local grower).

it was a neat experience - it was a U-Cut, so they handed Vic a hand saw and we went out and picked the one we liked and then cut it down. followed by hot chocolate.

smells lovely :)


Anonymous said...

Oh, how FUN!

nadine jenine said...

that is cool! i miss the days of going off to the forest with my dad for a tree!

Susie said...

Is that really snow I see? How much fun, Sheri!

Anonymous said...

Scott did not believe me that Vic cut down the tree himself until he saw the pictures. Good job Vic!