Wednesday, January 25, 2012

These two...

Sophie stayed home for a couple hours this morning to let her rest up a bit from the bad cold/flu she has been suffering with. She was much better after lunch so I took her up to the school. 25% of her class was away sick, so her teacher planned a very low key afternoon which was just perfect.

For Brownies tonight the girls had a field trip to the local pet store. Lots of fun touching a snake and holding a hamster or gerbil (not sure which).

As I mentioned earlier this week, we have been trying to lessen our TV watching. The kids only watched about 1 hour tonight and that was when I needed to get some work done. Right after daycare and before dinner Fynn did two puzzles, which is really working out to be a good activity for him instead of TV. Sophie was at Brownies so her TV time is already lessened. We then did a couple of stories after their baths.

Small baby steps...

1 comment:

Mary Jo said...

Glad she is feeling better!
I think baby steps make it easier to be successful! :)