Today Sophie learned the importance of perseverance.
She enrolled in Level 4 Canadian Red Cross swim lessons in July and needed to repeat the level because she hadn't mastered all of the skills yet. She was unhappy when I enrolled her for the 2nd set of lessons to re-do Level 4.
However, on her first day of class she was thrilled to see her buddy Hunter in her class and instructor Teresa "The Turtle." Teresa has taught both Sophie and Fynn several times and is a great teacher.
She worked hard on her front crawl, flutter kick and diving this session. Today when she she got her report card she was beaming when she passed and is moving on to Level 5. We will wait now until next summer before we start that. One thing at a time.
The little badge she received helps reinforce and reward Sophie and motivate her even further. We are proud of you, Sophie. I feel a scrapbook page is in order for Sophie (and Fynn) to recognize their swimming accomplishments this summer.
On an unrelated note: Fynn is having LARGE bowel movements while at daycare, and they are in the toilet. Thankfully his gentle laxative is working. He is also quite proud of this not insignificant achievement.
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