Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dec 16 - Sophie pulls a "Flick"

If you have ever seen the movie A Christmas Storyit's hard to forget the moment when one of the boys (Flick) is dared into sticking his tongue to a flagpole in the chilling cold of winter.

Sophie has never seen the movie, but evidentally the metal fence railing at her daycare was too tempting today. I got call from the manager today at around 3pm. She wanted to let me know about Sophie's "incident". She had been playing outside with the other kids and decided she wanted to touch her tongue to the fence. She then panicked when she realized when she was stuck and yanked her tongue off. And off came some of the skin on her tongue. Lots of blood vessels on the tongue = lots of bleeding = lots of crying = 3 soaked wash clothes later.

I'm glad I only had to hear about it and didn't witness this one. She is fine, and I'm quite certain she won't be trying that again anytime soon (nor will the other kids who saw it happen).


Katy said...

ooh, the poor dear. She might not enjoy the movie much either.
Poor thing.
How do you get a frozen tongue (or other body part) off of metal, do you know? I should probably look that up.

Jenny L. said...

Oh no! I can only imagine how that felt, and I agree it's a good thing you didn't see it happen. Hope she feels better soon. From now on I am going to think of her whenever I watch that movie!

Mary Jo said...

Ouch! Glad she's ok!!

Susie said...

Oh no! This goes on the list of things you don't think to tell your kids, right?