Thursday, April 24, 2008

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (and Rot)

Did you know there was a 4th "r"? It is for rot or compost.

I learned that and a few other things today when I went with Sophie's daycare down to Bill's Bottle Depot and the Recycling Centre.

The daycare has had a bin at Bill's for people to drop in their returnables. They have raised over $4,000 for our daycare expansion project, so the cheque was presented today.

I drove Sophie down and it totally threw her usual routine around. She grabbed my leg and was extremely clingy since Mom was there. She finally came around, but not until towards the end of the trip. (That's her in the red with the scowl on her face).


There is a showing on our house tomorrow. That means Vic and I have been tidying/cleaning tonight getting things in good shape. I'll be taking Fynn and Sophie out to Motoring Munchkins in the morning so we are well away.

We are really hoping there are showings while we are away -- it's tiring having to prepare the house.


Fynn completely melted down at 6pm tonight. He went straight into his bath. Poor guy was out and about with me today so his normal naps were interrupted.

1 comment:

Mary Jo said...

I really didn't know there was a
4th R :0)
I am so protective about Erin's naps these days. The few times I've tried to run errands when she should be napping have been disasters.
It's so hard though isn't it? Trying to fit errands into the small windows of time you have.